Monday, June 20, 2011

Daily Affirmation

So... I still haven't written my Life Vision.  (sigh)

It is a HUGE task!  Instead, I started smaller... with a daily affirmation statement.  This is definitely doable with limited time on hand.

I have realized how incredibly important it is to stay positive as much as possible throughout the day.  Negativity just doesn't do ANY good.   And when I fall in that awful pit it is nearly impossible to get me out for a very long dreadful time.

Writing this affirmation statement has helped me so much.  I purposely used words that deeply resonate within and help me remember that I am not alone, I have help and my life is GOOD.

I read this affirmation statement every morning... and when I ever feel like I am falling in to my negative pit. 


 "Today is a great day!   My happiness is found within myself, and I have sunshine in my soul today.  My Savior is my redeemer and He is by my side to help me this day.  Through Christ I can do all things, who strengthens me.  I am a loving, kind mother, wife and friend.

I have three beautiful children who love me and are relying on me.  I am a happy, devoted mother.  I am grateful and excited to be with my children today.  To take care of their needs, teach them, play with them and learn from them.  I am patient and seek to understand them and then lead them by love and persuasion.  I know my children are special spirit children of Heavenly Father with divine attributes that I help nurture and develop.   I cherish each precious moment I have with my sweet children.  I am creative with how we spend our time together.  They are such a gift and joy in my life.
I have an amazing husband.  He is my best friend and I support him and I am devoted to always building, strengthening and renewing our marriage.  He is my better half and completes me.  He has incredible talents that bless me and our family greatly.  Our marriage is the solid foundation of our family.  It brings safety, peace and joy to our family.   I love and cherish my husband and the time we have together.
I am wise with my time, prioritizing most important things first.  I am well balanced.  My mind is calm and I am relaxed.  I am patient, poised, steadfast and serene like a shade-giving tree, no matter what goes on around me.  I am at peace with others.
I surround myself with truth and positive energy.  I seek and enjoy all that is sweet, good and beautiful.
I love my body and always make positive healthy choices for myself.  I am healthy and happy and grateful to be with child.  I have a lot of energy to accomplish all that I need and want to do.
I am so very blessed in all that I have and do and will bless others along my way today, scattering sunshine wherever I go.  I desire the highest good for everyone I meet, as I know there is ample prosperity to bless everyone. "

This is so powerful for me because I know exactly what I need to hear! (What lies I need to counteract from the enemy to get back on the up and up.)

Start writing yours today!... who doesn't want an instant pick-me-up?  I sure don't like sitting in a pit.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

How to Create Your Life Vision

This is where I am... I need to actually write down my life vision.  I believe it is so very powerful and I want to have this focus in my life.  I feel the power it can have if I have a vision written down that I can read everyday to keep me focused in the right direction.

So... where do we start?

Here are some questions we can ask ourselves to start the ideas flowing of what we really want in life:

1.  If I could design my life any way I wanted, how would it be?
2.  What is the highest good that I can let come through me?
3.  If I knew I couldn't fail, what would I do?
4.  If I had unlimited resources, time, money and support, what would I create?
5.  What do I truly enjoy and is meaningful to me?
6.  What is my purpose in this life?

Our Life Vision will be a minutely detailed personal mission statement, a declaration of intent that includes five areas of our lives:

1.  Spiritual
2.  Relationships
3.  Health and Physical
4.  Professional/Financial
5.  Personal Development

We need to write our goals in first person, present tense, as they have already happened and express how having these things makes us feel. 

We must include the "Why" for each goal we want to achieve.  Also the "How", "Where" and "When" of specific goals.

The process of writing our vision down, reading and focusing on it daily is incredibly powerful and will activate and attract the things we desire in to our lives.... IF we truly BELIEVE that they can happen.  We have to have the emotion, excitement and GRATITUDE that they are already ours and then go out and do everything we can in our power to make it happen.

One HUGE key to getting what we want in life is that: we get what we focus on!!!

So STOP focusing on what you DON'T want, because you are making it stay longerFOCUS on what you WANT so it can come to you!

3 Key Ingredients Necessary to Accomplish your Goals:

1.  Clarity:  Get clear on the details of your goal of only what you want.  It should contain the "what, when, by when, action plan, motivation and emotional connection".  This clarity will take you from goal setting to goal accomplishing.

2.  Focus:  Every day focus on what you want and the gap between where you are and where you want to be narrows.  By listening/reading daily to the type of person you are becoming, your beliefs begin to change in your subconscious.  And these beliefs lead to...

3.  Taking Action:  By creating new beliefs, you will in turn start taking action and creating new habits.  This is literally a tool where you can change your beliefs and actions over a period of time, thus reinventing yourself.  (Remember:  repetition in thoughts and have strong emotions!!!)

Give it a shot:
1.  What is one goal that seems to have eluded you?
2.  Write down a few sentences of details that describe this goal.
3.  List three to four things that you can do today/this week as a first step to making this a reality in your life.
4.  Give reasons or motivations for this dream.  Why do you want it?  What will it give you?

One of Satan's first tactics is planting THOUGHTS of DOUBT in our minds.  We MUST control our thoughts!!!  Remove Satan's doubts with God's truthsYou are deserving.  You are capable!  BELIEVE and then GO and DO.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Why Should I Have a Vision? (7)

"I am the master of my fate: I am the captain of my soul."
 I have been created by God.
 I was given power and dominion over my life to be a creator of my life. 
I have full autonomy.  I am a powerful creator.


We have each been created for a purpose.  We each have a specific mission in life.  When we have a vision, we see our life and how it unfolds for the highest good.  Vision gives our life a reference point to see if we are on track.

Visualization is the first key to a successful future.   It shows us the right direction to go.  It gives us motivation. It enables us to make better choices and decisions.  Vision makes us ready for opportunity.  Vision helps us manage our time.   
Vision is a function of the heart.  Vision sets you free from the limitations of what the eyes can see and allows you to enter into the liberty of what the heart can feel. 

Having a vision keeps us focused on the future and gives us hope for the future.  People without vision often fixate on the past.  They look at what has happened in their life as a hitching post instead of as a guidepost.  By letting only hindsight dictate, they ensure that their path will invariably repeat itself.  By focusing within our heart and mind, and looking ahead, vision pulls us forward.  It increases our effectiveness.
When we have a vision of what we can become, our desire and our power to act increase enormously. 

Vision gives us the power to overcome adversity and use it in a way to benefit our life.
Opposition always accompanies the most worthy objectives.  When adversity comes in to our life we can view our life as if we are in a pit, as if the rug has been pulled out from underneath and we're in this deep hole we can't quite get out of.  Or we can maintain clear vision of what our life is about, know what our purpose is, and harness that adversity to launch us onto higher ground.  If we have a strong and clear enough picture, if we want it bad enough, if we don't merely see with our eyes, but feel with our hearts and reason in our minds, we can and will overcome anything.

When we have a sincere, unwavering, heartfelt desire/vision, it will affect every decision we make along the way. We gain a power and purpose that will raise us above the baggage of this world and allow us to move upward and onward to achieve our highest potential and happiness.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Change the Program (6)

What does our mind look like?

Mind = Movement.   Our mind is moving energy through three parts of us.

1.  Conscious:  Awareness.  Ability to accept/reject ideas.  Ability to create new ideas - key to freedom.

2.  Sub-Conscious: Automatic life-sustaining functions.  Unable to accept/reject ideas.  The center for emotions, "heart".  It is like a map for our lives.  We create our lives according to our deepest beliefs.  It is a deep intrinsic recorder and is playing from your fertile ground of childhood that was not filtered or corrected.  It lives these "beliefs" out without question if they are true or not.  It controls the results you receive in life.

3.  Body:  Behaviors, Health Conditions, What people feel when they are near you--your energy.

"The outer conditions of a person's life will always be found to be harmoniously related to his inner state... Men do not attract that which they want, but that which they are."  -As a Man Thinketh

Do you think you have ideas in your subconscious mind that you received when you were younger that aren't true, but have been "playing" in your life and causing results you don't want?

LAW:  Ideas in the sub-conscious mind automatically moves you into a vibration that is in harmony with it.

We control our vibration by controlling our thoughts.  A "feeling" is nothing more than a conscious awareness of a particular vibration.

There are two factors that determine which "programs" run in your subconscious mind:
1.  Thoughts repeated often  -What do you think about often?
2.  Thoughts charged with emotion  - How do you FEEL about your present circumstances?

To get different results:
1.  Do a virus scan
2.  Quarantine bad programs  (false beliefs)
      a.  Use your filter and reject the idea when the data comes in.  Refuse to get emotionally charged about it.  (Example:  You receive a huge bill that is overdue.  Picture what you want, not what you don't want, when you make the phone call to the creditor.  Change your vibration.)
     b.  Take that data input and assign a positive to it instead and allow yourself to get emotionally charged about it.  (See the silver lining.  i.e.  Traffic Jam:  I might be avoiding a wreck)
3.  Upload new programs through:  (create a new belief)
     a.  thought repetition
     b.  strong emotion

Your subconscious mind cannot distinguish the different between an experience that is imagined and one that is actually true.

By law, the new idea in the heart must manifest as an altered vibration in the body.  The new vibration causes you to resonate with more favorable opportunities.

So what do you want?
Your results will be a reflection of the ideas to which you give the strongest emotion.  (Do you fear poverty more than you love abundance?)  With your vibration you will either repel it or attract it.

We must start with a VISION of our new life, our new beliefs...

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Releasing Emotion (5.1)

Emotion is energy.  When we have a significant experience in life that causes us pain, that emotion can get trapped inside the body.  This emotion we harbor somewhere deep inside us becomes a pocket of dense emotional energy.  It will fester and can even affect our health, peace of mind and our energy levels and feels heavy.

It is critical that we move that negative emotion through us and release it.

TEST:  If you think about an experience you have had, or a time line in your life and you feel a tinge of anger, sadness, fear, or guilt, this is your clue that there is work to do.

We are so used to carrying around pain for long periods of time and think this is normal to do so.  It is NOT normal.  Think if you cut yourself really bad.  Five months later if the cut is still there, we would know that something was wrong and it should be better by now.  It is the same way with our emotions.  They need to be healed because they affect us in the present.  They pull us down dramatically.

Some say that time will heal.  This is not true.  We heal when we go through the appropriate healing process.  If we go through the healing process the final stage will be a feeling of gratitude for the experience you had.  Gratitude will come natural.  Then you are free and you know you are done.  You will feel light because it is freeing up energy.

We must take every experience of our past and get ourself to this place of healing.  What is not healed is holding us back in one way or another and is actually allowing "like instances" to repeat themselves in our lives!

Friday, April 22, 2011

Emotions are KEY! (5)

I have to warn you this post is packed with a ton of information! 
I hope it doesn't overwhelm you!  Read slowly...

Most of today's psychologists are convinced that one's "emotional intelligence" or EQ, is a far better predictor of life success than ones "rational intelligence" or IQ.
Emotional Intelligence includes our ability to accurately perceive our own emotions and stay aware of them as they happen.  Including becoming aware of how we tend to respond to specific situations and people.  As well as our ability to use this awareness of our emotions to stay flexible and positively direct our behavior.  This means managing our emotional reactions to all situations and people.

What are Emotions?
Our emotions are feelings we create and experience based on our thoughts, which are formed by our beliefs.  Our most consistent and repeated thoughts establish our beliefs or perceptions.  A combination of these thoughts and beliefs result in an emotion.

Our emotions are as unique as our finger prints.  Everyone's emotions are different even for the exact same situation... all emotions have been learned and can be changed. 
For example:  Two people get laid off from work.  One chooses to have feelings of discouragement and depression as their reaction to this difficult situation and wastes weeks in front of the television.  The other chooses to think positively, "OK, if one door closes, another one must open.  I wonder what better job I can find now, with all this free time on my hands.  I can't' wait to see what opportunities I can find."  The first person experienced negative emotions, where the second chose to foster positive emotions.

Our emotions are formed by our beliefs and perceptions we have established somewhere along the path of our life.  Our beliefs trigger our thoughts and our thoughts trigger our emotions, which further solidifies the belief, which creates our outcome in life. Heart-based emotion has 50,000 times the power that our minds have!  So it is critical that we learn to consciously control the power of our emotions through shifting the predominant thoughts and beliefs we hold.  (This process was described in the activity under "Peeling an Onion" but will also be explained in a different way, in a coming post.)

Our thoughts and emotions naturally send out a specific vibrational frequency to the universe, and through the law of attraction, the signal we are sending forth attracts that which is harmonious to them.  Our strong emotions physically strengthen the neural pathways dedicated to that "thing".  You "attract" what you intensely focus your emotion on, and in so doing, build strong neural networks directly related to that something.
For Example:  I bought a Cadillac Escalade.  I thought it was one-of-a-kind.  I had never noticed any other car like it in my town.  As soon as I started driving it, all of a sudden, I noticed Cadillac's everywhere!!  And there was one exactly identical to mine that drives to the same elementary school as I do, every day, that I had never noticed before.
What happened was that my new car created a dynamic neural awareness inside me.  My neurons were now sensitized to notice similar cars because of my excitement about my new car. 
The universe is full of abundance of all that is good and all that is bad, and it is always around us.  It is up to us to raise our level of awareness as to what we want in life and use the law of attraction through our beliefs, thoughts and emotions to "pick up on" and "attract" those things we desire in to our life. 
­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­The Power of Positive Emotion

The way we focus on a goal makes all the difference to how it comes to fruition.

For example:  We can have the same goal to get out of debt.  But one person identifies this goal as "escaping poverty" while another identifies their same goal as "attaining financial independence".
Although both goals look toward the same result, they deal with quite different emotions.  The desire to escape poverty is fueled by fear, while the desire to attain financial freedom is fueled by positive attraction.
While both goals could possibly take you to the same end goal - the "Law of Attraction" predicts quite a different experience along the path toward the goal:
If you build neural pathways based on doubt and fear, you will sensitize yourself to events or conditions that might relate to your fear and self-doubt.  What if you instead build neural pathways based on strong feelings of self-confidence and anticipation  (Passion towards financial independence)?  You will then find yourself recognizing opportunities leading to your goal -- just as I suddenly noticed all those Cadillac's!
What you focus intense emotion upon tends to "attract your attention" to more of the same.  So by far, the best way to approach your life goals is with POSITIVE, passionate desire.  If you focus your emotions on a problem and give in to your fears, what you fear gains actual neural strength.  Focus your emotions on achieving a positive goal in your life and it will gain strength!  (
For example the goal of losing weight:  Goal #1:  Lose 15 pounds.  Goal #2:  Enjoy a strong, healthy body full of energy to do the things I desire.
Which goal do you think is going to achieve better results?

So something else to realize...
Trying to control your emotions by focusing on your emotions DOES NOT WORK.
Allow yourself to experience the emotions that naturally come.  But become aware of what these emotions are, recognize their signs and then shift the underlying thought processes that ignite them.
**If we try to control or suppress emotions, we are actually putting all our focus on them, giving them additional energy to attract more of what it is we don't want.  When these negative emotions arise, we must acknowledge them and immediately make the conscious choice to focus on something that will allow you to experience a different emotion.  It is crucial not to dwell on these negative emotions!  Just acknowledge it and quickly change the thought process that created it.

We use our VOICE to communicate what we want in the physical world.  We use our emotions to communicate what we really want, in the "spiritual" dimension. 
Our emotions solidify what our beliefs and thoughts are creating in our life.
Get passionate about what you WANT!

Monday, April 18, 2011

Peeling an Onion (4)

Another layer of our engine that drives us and creates our world, is our Beliefs.

A belief is a certain paradigm through which we see the world.  We co-create our life according to the beliefs we have.

Our beliefs come from our environment and experiences we have had in our life.

The problem is... in our life's garden, we may have plants and weeds we don't want due to these deep down core beliefs we have that we may not even know about.  We have learned and accepted these beliefs, mostly in childhood when our mind was like a sponge and absorbed everything.  We didn't have a filter in our mind at a young age and so our mind took everything as truths and started to live them out without question of if they were really true or false.

Now we have to go back through our garden and find those things in our life that aren't in harmony with what we REALLY want.  What are the false beliefs we are cultivating in our life?  What we believe in our deepest core beliefs that have strong emotion attached to them is what has come to fruition in our life.

One of my false beliefs I didn't realize I had, was "Marriage is hard."  I would notice all the marriages around me and would see a lot of disagreements, long suffering, heartache, etc.  So I expected this in my marriage (as I tend to hope for the best but plan for the worst) and it felt normal, even though I did want to have a better marriage.

It greatly bothered my husband that I was this way.  He didn't have this belief as I did.  He believes that marriage is wonderful and can be the greatest, happiest, relationship we experience in this life.  He has put so much effort in to our marriage.  I am realizing how much my false belief on marriage truly effected my actions and my marriage to become exactly what I believed... even though I didn't WANT to have a difficult marriage and my husband didn't want it either.

There are a countless false beliefs we can/are living, just like the one I mentioned.  Now is the time to search our life's garden and find these areas of our life that aren't up to par to where we really want them to be.  We need to dig deep and find what false beliefs we have that are creating the outcome we are experiencing in our life right now.... like peeling an onion.  What is at the very root?


How to root out the unwanted things in our garden:

1.  Name the experience.  In as few words as possible, state only the facts and name the experience you are having that you want to change.

ie:  I am lonely and feel rejected by others.  (totally hypothetical)

2.  Accountability.  You are a powerful creator and are co-creating all of your experiences and/or your relationship to those experiences.  It is critical that we take accountability and acknowledge that on some level I have been a part of what has taken place and be willing to investigate how.

Q:  These are the ways that I am able to see right now that I have accountability in what I have experienced... and am willing to see more ways.

A:  ie:  I always focus on the times that people don't talk to me and take it to heart while I easily discount the positive times I have with people.  I don't reach out to others because I don't want to "bother" them and waste their time.  It's easier to just sit alone then try to start a conversation with someone I don't know.

3.  Identify the False Beliefs.  At the root of every experience, is a belief.  In every painful experience is rooted a false belief.  Take a few breaths, clear your mind and write whatever comes to you without judging or stopping content. 

Q:  These are the False Beliefs that are at the roof of my experience.

A:  ie:  I am not good enough.  I am a bother and nuisance to others.

4.  Live New Truths.  For every lie that creates pain or suffering or unhappiness, there is an equal truth that creates joy and peace.  Look at the false beliefs you have and write out the opposites in positive statements.  Write out as many truths that come to mind.

This is the real truth about  ( your false belief )   ...

ie:  I am a beloved daughter of Heavenly Father.  He has given me divine gifts and they are special and can greatly bless the lives of others if I will use them.  I am happy and nice and people enjoy being around people like me.  I am irreplaceable. I make a difference in the world.

Repeat these truths over and over to yourself and add EMOTION to it. 
You MUST bring to life the feelings of already living and experiencing the things that you want.

*******************end of activity********************
but this part is the most important...

THINKING is when we create a new idea.

When we choose to take action on a new idea, we WILL face a barrier.
1.  Recognize it  2.  Understand it  3.  Know what to do about it  4.  Gain awareness which gives us confidence to get through it.

Anxiety, Fear, dis-ease comes when we have a new idea fighting with an old idea = barrier.  So we falsely interpret this as a sign that it must be bad.  We then go back to the old, familiar idea, our comfort zone.  *Recognize this barrier for what it is.  If you take action to break through the barrier you will gain new freedom!  But it has to feel right in your heart.