Have you thought about what you think about all day? Are your thoughts focused on the future? Do you dwell in the past? Or are your thoughts focused on the
present moment?
Our thoughts and feelings are like the mighty Mississippi River. We have thousands and thousands of thoughts each day. The
majority of them are on a thought merri-go-round mind stream that runs habitual thoughts over and over and over. Hmm... doesn't look like we get very far this way does it.
When God created the earth and everything in it, he first created them spiritually. Everything was created spiritually before it was created physically.
We create the exact same way. We create our life, first spiritually. First, in our thoughts and mind.
"Our thoughts crystallize in to habit. Habit solidifies into circumstance. The outer world of circumstance shapes itself to the inner world of thought. Circumstances do not make the man, it reveals him to himself." -As a Man Thinketh
Our life is a garden. We are the master gardener of our life. We can plant with purpose and make a beautiful garden, or through neglect, weeds will automatically grow.
We begin planting what will eventually come to fruition in our life with our
thoughts and desires. These seeds of thought will grow if nourished and cultivated. And through our actions that naturally follow our thoughts, they will spring forth into beautiful plants or obnoxious weeds. We will then harvest the fruit of joy or suffering.
If something is not right in our garden, we can pluck it out. This is done by changing our thoughts and false beliefs we are harvesting inside, and may not even know it!
(I will go in to this more in a later post.)
When we are able to be fully aware of our thoughts and plant seeds with purpose and be conscious, in the moment, we begin to progress much more effectively!
I have been tremendously more aware of my thoughts now and have realized how much time I have wasted on thoughts of the past and future throughout my day. I am now more consciously aware of the present moment and am putting my WHOLE SELF in the moment instead of being in one place physically but mentally somewhere else far far away. I am enjoying life more as I am actually THERE, really living it mentally as well as physically. I am focusing and putting all my attention to what I am doing that moment. I feel like I am giving my kids so much more quality attention! Everything I do seems so much more efficient and effective.
"We frustrate accomplishment in our lives when we encourage thoughts that do not harmonize with our desires." - As a Man Thinketh
We must remember in our garden, if we plant seeds of corn, we WILL harvest corn. It is law. So it is with our creative minds. If we are cultivating seeds of anger, resentment and selfishness in regards to our spouse or marriage, even if we WANT a fabulous marriage more than ANYTHING, it isn't going to happen because our thoughts are SEEDS and will only produce the SAME. It is an endless battle to want something in our life so much, but yet we entertain thoughts that are NOT in harmony with it. Law: A Good tree never produces bad fruit. A Bad tree never produces good fruit.
So if you want something bad enough... start planting the seeds that are in harmony to it.
Thoughts are SO powerful.
We each
travel in this life on different
horizontal frequencies. Lets say the frequency levels range from zero, the lowest of the low, to level 50, the highest of the high. Each of us are traveling on one frequency or another. The lower frequency we are traveling on, the harder it is for us to create. The heavier life feels. The slower we move. When we are able to raise up on the frequency levels, our thoughts are more positive, we are filled with light and power and it is a lot easier to create. We learn and progress much faster when we are traveling on higher frequency levels.
The universe is governed by law. Righteousness is the molding and moving force in the spiritual government of the world.
Man has to right himself to find that the universe is right.
The more in line we are with our Creator, the more we will be filled with light, joy, happiness. (The higher our frequency levels will be.)
*So it is imperative that we find ways to elevate our frequency levels. We need to surround ourselves with positive high frequencies in order to create our life at a much more powerful level.* Just like plants have to have water to thrive.
We have to have light, purity and truth to THRIVE. As we increase these elements in our life our frequency levels will raise as well.
I have discovered that Prayer one tool that is perfect for this purpose. When we sincerely, humbly, gratefully pray to our Heavenly Father, our thoughts will automatically elevate as we have more vertical connection. What better way to raise up than by connecting with the highest positive energy source there is, God.
*We must find and surround ourselves with all we can that is positive and uplifting to us, to keep us on higher energy levels so we can thus create more powerfully and effectively. *
I have started to get up an hour earlier in the mornings, before the kids are awake. This is a gift I give to myself. I pray and connect with Heavenly Father, I use this time to meditate, ponder, study truths found in the scriptures and prepare my mind spiritually before I go and complete the day physically. It has been AMAZING. It has helped my day start off smoother and remain more calm the rest of the day. And throughout the day I am consciously making effort to surround myself with positive energy. I listen to uplifting music, watch my thoughts and keep my home clean & clear from clutter and distraction. It has made tremendous differences in my attitude and feelings and how I handle problems throughout the day.
So lets think about it... Are your thoughts idle? Or are they filled with purpose and direction? Watch yourself for the next 24 hrs and notice how often you daydream. How often are you thinking of the past or future?
The only time we are conscious is when we are in the present. The past is dead. The future hasn't happened yet.
The present moment is the only thing we have.
We must be fully aware at this moment. When our thoughts are focused on the present, they will become more positive and energy will raise within us.
Just remember that a plant doesn't grow and flourish in one day. It takes TIME, CARE, PATIENCE, DILIGENCE and then one day, we will see the fruits of our thoughts!!!
"You cannot travel within and stand without. The things in your life will become so out of harmony with your mindset that they will eventually fall out of your life." - As a Man Thinketh